Sunday, June 8, 2008

Here is my first blog ever. Yeah!

Here are the recent videos of Jesusito and Jasmine, except for this first one. I have to show you what Jesusito is like...this is a video of him chasing the dogs in much energy!:)

This next video is of Jasmine and me trying to get her to smile...and then Jesusito getting jealous and wanting to play.

Jesusito has become a stripper like no other, especially when he's gone poop. He pulls of his pants, then his diaper and lets the poop fall where it may. He's trying to strip in this next video, but I get him to tell me his body parts instead. Everyone time I ask him about his eyes, though, he points in the wrong direction. You'll see...

Jesusito, Jasmine and I will go walking around the neighborhood almost every morning. I will take Jasmine in a stroller, and Jesusito will grab his lawnmower and his hat. He never liked hats, but now he loves them because his Grandpa in Mexico would wear one and put one on Jesusito when they went to the "calle, calle."

I don't know if you'll be able to believe it or not, but Jasmine, who is turning three months this week, is already teething! She has been teething for the last month! I told the Dr. that she can't develop early on anything else...I don't want a 10 year old in a 16 year old body!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Very cute, Jodi!! I don't have sound at work (where I pulled this up) but when I get the internet at home, I will for sure listen. I love how Jesus brings his lawn mower and his hat on your walks - very funny :)