Monday, March 9, 2009

I am sick to my stomach...

This morning my sister e-mailed me and let me know that Big Love, a series on HBO, will be showing a sacred Temple ceremony inside of an LDS Temple, the religion that I belong to.  I am so sad that it's taking place, and I'm not going to let it happen without me taking a stand!  If you would like to, as well, here's what you can do.  I've posted my sisters e-mail so that all the links and info is there.  

On March 15, the HBO series “Big Love” will air LDS temple scenes from an endowment room, the celestial room and show the ceremonies that happen there.  This is outrageous to me that they’re doing this on television.  I am going to email HBO and the FCC later tonight.  I still expect them to air the episode but I want them to know that it’s wrong. - page 48 where TV Guide publishes a picture of one of the actors in temple clothes.


Also, what’s sad to me is that Tom Hanks is one of the producers for them.  I’ve always REALLY liked Tom Hanks but I don’t think that I’ll be able to watch any of his stuff anymore.


Below is info that was forwarded to me on who to contact:

HBO is owned by Time Warner:
Time Warner Inc
One Time Warner Center
New York , NY10019-8016

Here are two things your want to RESPECTFULLY say in your own words to HBO:

-I believe it is wrong for HBO to publicly air portions of sacred ceremonies of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints without permission  from the
church and based on information given you by someone who has left the church and
may harbor bad feelings toward the church and wish to do it harm.


- If you air such an episode, I will cancel my subscription to all HBO channels
(if you have them), and will not purchase HBO DVDs or any other HBO
entertainment products or packages ever again.  Furthermore, I will encourage my
friends and associates to do likewise.


The FCC is the government agency that regulates all broadcast and cable
.  File a complaint expressing your shock and dismay at HBO treating
the sacred ceremonies of any religion with such mockery and disregard, and that
it is shoddy work hiring excommunicated members/enemies of church and giving
them a public pulpit to hurt the church.

To File a complaint with the FCC go to:

-Choose "Broadcast (TV and Radio), Cable, and Satellite Issues" and
then click "NEXT."

-Choose "Broadcast programs showing obscene, profane, and/or indecent
material" then click "NEXT."

- Click on "ONLINE FORM"  Fill out the form with your complaint and


leigh said...

I just clicked on the tv guide link and it doesn't work. i'm wondering if they took it down already.

also - tom hanks is not happy at the church's involvement with prop 8 and i'm wondering if this has anything to do with it.

also - how could they be in the temple? the show is about a fundamentalist (polygamist) LDS religious family. I don't watch it, but i'm wondering if they're lying to get into the temple or what - you clearly cannot be in there if you're married to more than 1 person. i'll have to see if i can find some more about it.

Jan said...

That's crazy that link doesn't work anymore. It worked at my office and I just clicked it from the original email and it doesn't work, either. I know that it's published in the real tv guide, though - my office manager responded to this email and said that she saw it in her hard copy first and was dumbfounded.

They're supposed to be in an LDS temple. The episode is supposed to be about one of the wives who has gone thru the LDS temple but then the LDS church finds out that she is a polygamous so she gets excommunicated. So they hired an ex-mormon who "was familiar" with the ceremonies to make sure that they didn't get any details wrong.

If you go to, you can read the Church's response to all this. It's nice (of course, right?).

Anonymous said...

Leigh is right, Tom said that is was "unamerican" what the Mormons did with prop 8, like it's our fault duh!
I actually really like the show, in my own humble opinion I think the show is nuetral in the way they show "real" Mormons. They do acknowledge that Mormons and fundamentalists are not the same.
I don't have hbo, I think it's a bummer what they are doing, but I would still watch it.

Jan said...

You would watch the temple episode?

Jodi said...

I don't think I could watch the episode...seeing the picture in the TV guide made me so sad. Seeing that on TV I think would make me really sad.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jodi!! I'm so glad you found me! I know this is an inappropriate place to put this comment, but please email me, I want to talk to you, its been so
Michelle Skousen Kennedy

Anonymous said...

Hi Jodi!! I can't believe its you. I'm so glad you tracked me down. Please email me, I want to talk to you, its been so long. What beautiful kids you have!
michelle skousen kennedy

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify...I still would watch the show, but I would definately NOT watch the temple episode. I don't have hbo so I wouldn't/couldn't watch any of the episodes. I just rent the season when it comes out on dvd.